
We would like to present for your attention the materials which can give you more information about activities of our company. Please be sure to specify the source of information, when you have used them.
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The report includes the description of the banking sector in Belarus, including sector-specific indicators (assets, capital, profit and efficiency of banking institutions), as well as analysis of banking sector liabilities, performance and regulatory capital. In addition, it includes a statistical annex on the sector and a list of transactions in the market of mergers and acquisitions.

Footwear industry is one of the main sector of light industry in Belarus with a number of local producers and a large market. The overview consists of such sections as production, foreign trade description, analysis of key players and consumption in the industry.

Chemistry and petrochemistry is one of the strategic complexes of the country's economy. Along with the general description of the industry, production parameters, foreign trade and investment capital, the overview includes the characteristics such sectors as sectors mineral fertilizers, chemical fibers and threads, polymers, tires.

The report characterizes a promising new branch of energy production for Belarus, using renewable energy sources: sun, wind, geothermal energy, hydropower, biomass and biogas. The structure of the report includes an analysis of the resource base and the volume of production and production of electrical and thermal energy. In addition, the report includes forecast data, investment activity in the industry and international comparison.

The telecommunication sector in Belarus has begun to develop recently (in comparison with other branches of the real sector of the country) and was widely disseminated and supported. The report includes the characteristics of some sectors: mobile communications, cable television, the Internet.

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