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The overview of the IT services market in Belarus includes general information on the development of this sector of the economy in Belarus, foreign trade indicators (export of computer services), characteristics of key players, market structure by types of service models, statistical application and some other aspects.

Brief overview of the perspective branch of Belarusian economy: transport industry and logistics infrastructure. The report includes a general description of the construction and operation of the transport system, analysis of transport services, and the development of logistics infrastructure in Belarus (supply, demand, price profile, key players).

Hotel real estate is one of the important infrastructure, tourist and economic elements of the city formation or the direction of both tourism and business activity. The hotel industry is one of the fastest growing segments of commercial real estate and directly has a positive effect on the increase in visitor flows to cities and the country. The overview includes traditional sections for commercial real estate: supply on the market, demand factors for hotel services, occupancy level and price characteristics, development forecasts and international comparison.

The overview includes the main characteristics of the alcohol industry in Belarus, including production and analysis of data on foreign trade, the characteristics of consumption and major players in the market, as well as investment in the industry.

Dairy industry is one of the most developed branch of the food industry (food processing). Taking into account the wide access to raw materials and the continuous development of the industrial infrastructure, the dairy industry has a high potential and a development priority. In the market there are both state and private companies. The overview contains the characteristic of production, foreign trade, consumption, foreign capital and investment in the industry.

The woodworking industry in Belarus is one of the strategic, based on local raw materials resources and a developed production infrastructure. The review covers such sections as resource base, production, foreign trade (in different directions: cardboard and paper products, carpentry, logging and lumber, furniture, consumer goods from wood), consumption characteristics, competitive environment analysis (key players), corporate analysis sector and investment in the industry.

The cement industry is one of the key in the construction industry, providing raw materials for current and future construction projects and facilities in the country. The overview includes traditional sections for the manufacturing industry: the characteristics of production, consumption, foreign trade indicators, a description of the key players in the industry.

Non-food retail in Belarus has been developed along with the development of modern retail formats and the impleementation of shopping centers and retail and entertainment complexes. Today, non-food retail is represented by chains of construction goods, cosmetics, electronics, furniture, clothing and footwear, children's goods and so on. The overview includes the characteristics of non-food retail in general, as well as segments (mobile devices, building materials, household appliances, footwear, clothing, jewelry and watches, furniture, household chemicals and cosmetics).

The insurance sector in Belarus has a high development potential, although there are more than 15 organizations on the market, the market is still not saturated, and in some areas it is in the initial stage of formation (for instance, non-life insurance). The overview includes a description of the entire sector as a whole, as well as its elements: life insurance, non-life insurance, voluntary and compulsory insurance, in addition the review includes a description of key market players (ratings, financial and insurance indicators), foreign companies in industry.

The construction materials industry in Belarus has an important role for providing resources to construction and other related industries. This industry is developing on the existing raw materials base of the country, as well as the constant demand for materials and products for construction and further development. The overview includes several major sections: basic building materials (cement, crushed stone, lime, gypsum) and derived building materials (reinforced concrete products, wall materials, ceramic tiles, flat glass) - each of the sectors includes the characteristics of production, foreign trade and consumption.

Food retail is one of the key branches of the real sector of the country's economy. The beginning of the development of modern retail can be considered the opening of the first hypermarket in Belarus (Minsk) and the active development of the store near homes. The review includes analysis of the modern food retail of all forms of ownership and consists of such sections as analysis of retail turnover, analysis of demand factors, analysis of key players (network sizes, activity, evaluation of RTO of retailers, etc.).

The brewing industry is the developing branch of the food industry, it is represented by private and state companies, it has high investment activity. The review includes an analysis of production indicators, foreign trade, consumption, as well as a description of key players and investment activity in the industry.

The gradual development of business activity, the growth of the national business and the attractiveness of the country for foreign companies and representative offices have become the main driving force for the active development of the office real estate market (if 10 years ago the office or business center was single in Minsk, today their number has increased by several orders, and the construction of modern buildings has changed the face of the city). The overview is presented by standard sections for the commercial real estate market: supply, demand, price situation, vacancy rate, supply forecast.

Oil refining is a constituent branch of the petrochemical complex. Although its own oil reserves are inferior to those of the region's traditionally rich in oil, however, the industry successfully operates using practical experience, constant development and investment in production. The review includes a description of the resource base of the industry, production and foreign trade, as well as a description of the main players in the market.

Meat processing industry is a traditional component of the country's food industry, it is represented by various companies (public and private forms of ownership, large complexes and small companies). The overview includes traditional sections for the food industry - production (in general and by segments), consumption, foreign trade, characteristics of the corporate sector and key players in the industry, industry investments and a statistical annex.

The report includes the description of the banking sector in Belarus, including sector-specific indicators (assets, capital, profit and efficiency of banking institutions), as well as analysis of banking sector liabilities, performance and regulatory capital. In addition, it includes a statistical annex on the sector and a list of transactions in the market of mergers and acquisitions.

Footwear industry is one of the main sector of light industry in Belarus with a number of local producers and a large market. The overview consists of such sections as production, foreign trade description, analysis of key players and consumption in the industry.

Chemistry and petrochemistry is one of the strategic complexes of the country's economy. Along with the general description of the industry, production parameters, foreign trade and investment capital, the overview includes the characteristics such sectors as sectors mineral fertilizers, chemical fibers and threads, polymers, tires.

The report characterizes a promising new branch of energy production for Belarus, using renewable energy sources: sun, wind, geothermal energy, hydropower, biomass and biogas. The structure of the report includes an analysis of the resource base and the volume of production and production of electrical and thermal energy. In addition, the report includes forecast data, investment activity in the industry and international comparison.

The telecommunication sector in Belarus has begun to develop recently (in comparison with other branches of the real sector of the country) and was widely disseminated and supported. The report includes the characteristics of some sectors: mobile communications, cable television, the Internet.

The pharmaceutical industry is a developing industry in Belarus, represented by large and medium-sized enterprises producing various types of medicines (generics, original drugs). The review includes a description of production, the main players in the market, as well as consumption and foreign trade. In addition, the review includes a brief analysis of the corporate sector and a statistical annex.

The residential real estate market has traditionally played an important role in the social and economic aspects, only relatively recently the market has undergone changes that were caused by sufficient interest from investors. Now the market of commercial residential real estate acquires the features of a modern segment of commercial real estate. The review includes both traditional for commercial real estate sections (supply, demand, regional structure, characteristics of the largest players (developers)), as well as characteristics of such segments as rental and premium housing.

Machine building in Belarus occupies an important role in the industrial complex of the country, and is represented by small machine-building organizations of various forms of ownership, as well as by large giants specializing in the production of dump trucks, trucks and agricultural machinery, tractors, and enterprises associated with the electronic industry and instrument making. The overview includes industry-specific analysis sections: production, foreign trade, consumption, characteristics of key players, and analysis of the corporate sector and investment in the industry.

The sugar industry has been formed for a long time and plays an exceptional role in providing many productions with raw materials. The review includes a description of the main production indicators, foreign trade, consumption, price situation, and a description of all producers in the industry.

Livestock in Belarus is the main sector of the long-term development within the agricultural complex, it occupies one of the main positions of the state policy of social and economic development. The overview includes an expanded production profile (by segments - beef cattle breeding, dairy cattle breeding, horse breeding, poultry farming, pig breeding, fish farming, fur farming, beekeeping), foreign trade (by sector), consumption, key players, investments in the industry and a statistical annex.

The furniture production sector is one of the most developed in the woodworking industry and is represented by both state-owned large companies and private companies of various sizes and types of business model. The overview includes such sections as production, foreign trade, consumption, characteristics of key players, investments in the industry.

Infographics contains the main features of the transportation and logistics industry in Belarus.