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Corporate brochure
Dairy industry is one of the most developed branch of the food industry (food processing). Taking into account the wide access to raw materials and the continuous development of the industrial infrastructure, the dairy industry has a high potential and a development priority. In the market there are both state and private companies. The overview contains the characteristic of production, foreign trade, consumption, foreign capital and investment in the industry.

Meat processing industry is a traditional component of the country's food industry, it is represented by various companies (public and private forms of ownership, large complexes and small companies). The overview includes traditional sections for the food industry - production (in general and by segments), consumption, foreign trade, characteristics of the corporate sector and key players in the industry, industry investments and a statistical annex.

Livestock in Belarus is the main sector of the long-term development within the agricultural complex, it occupies one of the main positions of the state policy of social and economic development. The overview includes an expanded production profile (by segments - beef cattle breeding, dairy cattle breeding, horse breeding, poultry farming, pig breeding, fish farming, fur farming, beekeeping), foreign trade (by sector), consumption, key players, investments in the industry and a statistical annex.