Project management

For successful implementation of an investment project by a foreign investor or a national company, it is necessary to understand the whole mechanism for the implementation of the project. There is not enough desire to implement the project and obtain funds for these purposes.
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Involving a local advisor in the process of implementing an investment project allows successfully accomplishing a number of tasks: advisor knows the specifics of the market or industry, has well-established relation with various partners and organizations within the country. The solution of daily issues of investment projects implementation requires a qualified approach, the choice of a practical-applicable project management mechanism.

Over the last 10 years, UNITER Investment Company has been actively involved in high-priority projects for the real economy and the social sector of the country. During this time, with our participation, the number of investment projects were implemented in the field of commercial real estate, housing and public utilities (water supply and water disposal), energy (biogas complex).

The management of project implementation, UNITER actively cooperates with international financial institutions (EBRD, NEFCO and others), international and local experts and professional companies.

Сonsidering this, the approaches and mechanisms have used in practice make it possible to provide professional project management, coordination, financial advice and implement any investment project.

more than 10
implemented projects during last 8 years
400+ mn USD
total investments

Approaches of service providing
Using the accumulated experience to achieve clients goals
Involvement into the project management process of international partner companies with comprehensive experience in each specific industry
Participation in project management in the regions of Belarus
Comprehensive client support in the project management process, using the capabilities of the company as a whole (financial and investment advisory, analysis and development of specific solutions, etc.)

Advantageous for clients
Project management experience over 10 years.
Wide global network of partners and experts in various industries.
A mechanism for coordination and management the implementation of investment projects in various fields has been developed and tested.
Using all capabilities of the company (analytics, financial advisory, investment support).

Services and tasks
  • Comprehensive support of the investment project (analytical support, financial advisory, strategy development). 
  • Coordination of cooperation with all parties involved in the project (the role of a local advisor with the participation of international financial institutions and international experts).
  • Preparation a feasibility study and a financial memorandum.
You can get advisory from:
The Head of analytics and market research dept.

Key transactions and projects
Comprehensive support for the investment project in Minsk implemented by a foreign investor with a total investment volume of more than USD200 mn: the construction of the largest multifunctional complex in Minsk (hotel under international hotel chain Marriott, a multifunctional concert and sports hall, SPA). UNITER has taken part in the support and management of the project from the very beginning of its implementation. During project operating, the company has provided services for analyzing target markets; conducted a number of benchmarks; provided on a permanent basis financial advisory and other services related to the current and future activities of the complex.
Development of a socio-economic analysis; organizational overview of public water supply; feasibility analysis, financial modeling (development of 5 financial models for Vodokanal operations) under the project “Modernization of water supply systems and wastewater disposal in five cities: Kobrin, Skidel, Smorgon, Pruzhany, Novogrudok”.
Advising the EBRD on the terms of the loan agreement: financial analysis of the current state of public water supply; analysis of modern methods of allocating funds used to make investments in water supply; analysis of methods of financing and accounting for investments in water supply for the preparation of an investment review of the company.
Participation in the project as a local consultant together with international companies iC Consulenten ZT GmbH, HYDRO INGENIEURE and Poyry in terms of developing a feasibility study: a socio-economic analysis (organizational and institutional analysis); tariff setting, availability, subsidy policy; evaluation the providing of services; analysis of fiscal relations Center-Region, budgeting system, proposed lending scheme), financial analysis and modeling (financial analysis of the company, financial modeling and forecasts); assistance in the development of a long-term investment program (priority investment program (PIP); proposal and justification of the PIP; detailed program description and cost estimation; accessibility analysis), environmental and social analysis.
UNITER acts as a local financial advisor in the Municipal Sector Financing Framework Agreement and project management assistance, including the development of working documentation, procurement and technical supervision (for the EBRD): financing for the reconstruction of water utilities in Brest, Grodno, Baranovichi, Slonim, Vitebsk. Loan agreements have been concluded. Cooperation with SWECO and Poyry.