Foreign investor support
Since it was founded UNITER Investment Company has been supporting foreign investors in the process of entering into the Belarusian market, providing financial and investment advising services, analysis and research of potential markets and niches.

Corporate brochure
The company provides support to foreign investors on privatization and large greenfield projects. The team advises on the preparation of the most optimal project structure, taking into account the specifics of industries and supporting the interests of foreign investors and the state.
The implementation of greenfield projects requires an integrated approach, which is to determine the future outcome of the investment project, its effectiveness for owners. The implementation of brownfield projects, including privatization, has different approach, which requires an understanding of the relationships in the industry and the specifics of the functioning of target companies.
UNITER undertakes all necessary work to make a decision on the project implementation by a foreign investor. In this case, the investor receives a clear understanding document with validated assumptions, recommendations and options for the development of the project, as well as an analysis of the risks that the project may encounter during implementation.
bn USD
Total investments in greenfield projects and privatization, in which the company has participated
more than 70
in 27 different industries

Approaches of service providing
Application advanced international approaches and know-how acquired in working with large foreign and international companies and institutions: Economist Intelligence Unit, World Bank, EBRD, IFC, the World Bank, OECD, AECOM, Jacobs Consulting, Poyry, etc.
Knowledge of markets and tools for their analysis (more than 200 studies in more than 50 industries over the past 10 years).
Application of an integrated approach for making of materials that are clear to the investor (information memorandum, includes a detailed analysis of the market, validation of the assumptions and a detailed financial model of the project).
Making of materials reflecting the actual state of things and options for the most effective implementation of the project (scenarios, alternatives).

Advantageous for clients
Support of the largest infrastructure and construction projects with the participation of foreign investors in Belarus
Experience in local project coordination with the involvement of independent international experts and the use of international best practices when working on projects.
Constant cooperation with state authorities and awareness of the status of all current and planned investment projects.
Experience in project implementation with independent industry experts at the local and international level.

Services and tasks
- Market and regulatory analysis to identify barriers / opportunities for project implementation.
- Pre-investment evaluation / due diligence of the project.
- Business Plan / Feasibility study for submission to the government.
- Business plan and financial model for the client in accordance with international requirements.
- Making feasibility study of the project (including modeling of the economic benefits for the state and an investor within the project).
- Attracting funding to the project.
- Advising support during negotiations with government agencies.
- Structuring and support of project implementation.
- Preparation of a financial management system of the project.
- Advising support of the client at the stage of project implementation.
You can get advisory from:
Yana Karas
The Head of investment banking dept.

Key transactions and projects