
We would like to present for your attention the materials which can give you more information about activities of our company. Please be sure to specify the source of information, when you have used them.
Corporate brochure
Brief overview of the perspective branch of Belarusian economy: transport industry and logistics infrastructure. The report includes a general description of the construction and operation of the transport system, analysis of transport services, and the development of logistics infrastructure in Belarus (supply, demand, price profile, key players).

The report characterizes a promising new branch of energy production for Belarus, using renewable energy sources: sun, wind, geothermal energy, hydropower, biomass and biogas. The structure of the report includes an analysis of the resource base and the volume of production and production of electrical and thermal energy. In addition, the report includes forecast data, investment activity in the industry and international comparison.

Infographics contains the main features of the transportation and logistics industry in Belarus.